As the classic going on sale sign brings people in for a look as any chance to save a buck is worth the slightest glance. Well I propose the same, you've already made it to this sentence :) What I'm offering is a chance to continue this musical journey with me, your boy Lexmic, Ive had to set myself up on another channel to platform new projects. I find it relevant to this blog as it all started here so many years back. All continued support is amazing, and just another reason to keep doing what you love knowing it can involve others around you!

So here we go, the new releases will be updated and all that jazz on the FB page here. If you would like the exclusive, send me your mail to the page and Il send you my new releases a few days before, I would be happy to share my art!

Until then, Il leave you with as many cool selections & videos on the top of my mind.


And then the real inspirational stuff Ive been diggin, some old, some new. All gold.
