Discotheque/ Arcade / Dont Party :: Gigi Barocco [Dim Mak / Italy]

Friday night at the Assembly will be the most badass bassline party of the year with the master GIGI BAROCCO, its sure to be filled with crazy tunes that will be heard throughout Cape Town on the night.
This is one not to be missed.

FB Event

▸R50 presale (http://www.webtickets.co.za/assembly)
▸R60 Door

Line Up:
◽ Kennedy
◽ Liver
◽ Bruce Willis??
◽ Gigi Barocco
◽ Bteam

The Annex:
◽ Dublussion
◽ Totem
◽ George Daniel

◽ Contraband

ROAR – NO U18’s – I.D REQUIRED (I.D / Drivers Licence / Passport) NO DRUGS – NO WEAPONS

Peace Out
